Within the intricate tapestry of the natal chart lie challenges, hurdles, and roadblocks unique to each individual. Our course is not just about spotting these celestial indications, but about offering practical, actionable solutions. Delve deep into the intricacies of the stars and emerge with the knowledge to transform challenges into opportunities, both for yourself and for others.
* Prerequisites: This advanced course is available for students who have successfully completed our Basic Astrology Course
A person who isn’t familiar with astrology is like a driver speeding down the highway of life with their headlights off.
Astrology is the light that illuminates your path of destiny, helping you see what lies ahead. And if you know what’s written in your stars, you have the opportunity to slow down, navigate around obstacles, or choose a different path.
This is precisely what you’ll learn upon completing the ‘Natal Chart Analysis’ course.
Mastering Natal Chart Interpretations for Professional Practice
After completing this course, you'll have the skills and tools to take charge of your destiny and enhance your life in every aspect.
Upon graduation and receiving your certificate, you can begin offering professional consultations or expand your existing practice
After the course, you'll also gain access to cutting-edge software and special section for destiny modeling anywhere on the globe.
Everything a Modern Astrologer Needs
Throughout the entire training period, you will have access to advanced software. Modern astrology is impossible without complex mathematical calculations.
Our astrological software was developed by professional astrologers who faced the challenge of excessive workload during professional consultations.
The primary goal in developing the software was to relieve the astrologer from routine calculations and to provide as much information as possible about the analyzed horoscope. This allows human resources to be freed up for higher-quality work with clients.
You handle the theory – the astroprocessor takes care of the rest.
General guidelines on health conditions. We offer an extensive course dedicated solely to medical astrology
Discover any potential dangers in your birth chart and what they're associated with. Determine if there are any life-threatening risks or if you might live to a ripe old age.
Learn how to pinpoint fertility issues, from minor problems to functional infertility, and how to address them
Intellectual inclinations, both innate and acquired, are especially relevant when analyzing children's horoscopes regarding academic struggles or decisions about where to study
Financial matters concern everyone – find out how to improve your financial situation and the sources of income associated with it
Discover how indications of legal issues are formed in a horoscope and gauge their severity
A natal chart provides clear indications: will a business be profitable or only result in losses?
Gain skills in identifying indications of widowhood, risks to parents and children, and how to avoid such issues
Learn to identify the potential for creative achievements in various fields
Master the art of recognizing indicators for a successful or unsuccessful career, reasons for unemployment, and how to find a job that brings satisfaction
Learn how a horoscope influences one's mental state and how to assist someone in addressing issues ranging from depression to more severe concerns
Learn to identify signs in the horoscope pointing to a change in residence and discover various strategies for relocating to make the most of astrocartography
With the wisdom of the stars and the merit of past lives, an astrologer holds the key to unlocking and reshaping their destiny. Harness this ancient knowledge, transform limitations into strengths, and steer your fate with informed purpose.
Enroll today and step into your power, embracing the role of a guiding light in both your life and the lives of others.