Career Astrology - Talents and Professional Inclinations Module

career astrology software
career astrology software

Who Can Access:

Available for students and graduates who have taken or completed the ‘Career Astrology’ course. They should understand how specific abilities manifest in the natal chart and assess the influence of relocation on their emergence.

Who Benefits:

Professional astrologers specializing in career suitability consultations

Both professional and amateur astrologers stand to gain immensely from this software. For professionals, it ensures precise, efficient, and diversified consultations, boosting client trust and broadening clientele with its specialized career suitability insights.

Amateur astrologers resolving questions for themselves and their loved ones, especially regarding their children

Meanwhile, amateurs benefit from personal growth, clearer decision-making, and the ability to guide family—especially children—toward fulfilling futures.

Talents and Professional Inclinations Module:

A detailed breakdown of the natal chart concerning innate and acquired capabilities.

How it Works – Just 2 Simple Steps:

  1. Create a person’s natal chart.
  2. The ‘Talents’ tab immediately displays all the essential information.

Talents and Abilities are among the most frequent topics in astrological consultation, especially regarding children. Modern parents are deeply concerned about early development, making this consultation area one of the most lucrative for professional astrologers. This pivotal question aids parents in optimally shaping their child’s future, saving unnecessary resources and effort on training that doesn’t align with their child’s inclinations.

Should you enroll your child in music school if they lack musical talents but excel in mathematics? Is it wise to invest in preparing for a math-based college if your child is an artist at heart? Should you push a child to study harder if their chart indicates a strong inclination towards sports and potential success in that field?

The Talents and Professional Abilities Module provides specific, detailed information about innate talents and abilities. It also highlights which talents may emerge due to relocation.

Illuminate Paths, Ignite Passions, Inspire Professions.

Features of Talents and Professional Inclinations Module: A detailed description of the presence or absence of specific abilities across five areas, explaining how talents and capabilities are formed:

Arts and Creativity:

Artistic skills, acting talent, fashion designing, singing, dancing, etc.

Intellectual Activity:

Types of mental capabilities – technical vs. humanitarian, poetic tendencies, signs pointing towards scientific pursuits, ability to learn foreign languages, professions like physicist, mathematician, economist, etc.


Interest and aptitude in medicine, surgery, dentistry, etc.


Whether an individual possesses the qualities needed for professional sports.

Specialized Professions:

A predisposition towards careers in the military, professions related to long-distance travel, etc.

Whether you're a seasoned professional astrologer looking to enhance your consultation services or an amateur hoping to guide personal life decisions, the software caters to both, enriching the astrological journey and bringing clarity to career-related decisions.

Navigating one’s career is like charting the constellations—complex yet deeply rewarding. Allow us to be your guide on this celestial journey.

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