Predictive astrology module. Does the future scare you? Foresee, Prepare, Prosper

Predictive astrology software

Simply understanding one’s destiny (interpreting a natal chart) isn’t enough. To harness astrology’s full potential, one must know:

  • When chart-indicated events will occur.
  • How to expedite positive events.
  • Ways to change one’s fate, such as overcoming infertility challenges when wanting children.
  • Strategies to avoid impending dangers or other negative outcomes, and so forth.
Predictive astrology software

Astrological Precision, Personal Direction

The predictive tools within the Felicita software are exclusively available to students and graduates of the Predictive Astrology and  Master of Birth Time Rectification and Prognosis courses. Given the transformative power of predictive astrology, which, in the wrong hands, could harm individuals, access to this module is limited to astrologers trained to use it responsibly.



  • Calculates and visually presents forecasts for all major life events with day-precision (and hourly for certain events when necessary).
  • Personal life: potential encounters with significant others.
  • Health: illness periods, optimal treatment times, and best dates for surgeries.
  • Risk scenarios and their associations.
  • Property buying or selling recommendations.
  • Propitious or inopportune times for business ventures.
  • Favorable periods for conceiving a healthy child.
  • Relocation opportunities and risks.
  • Dangers concerning relatives.
  • Employment opportunities or possible layoffs.
  • Advised times for purchases.
  • Best periods for medical procedures, dental visits, cosmetic treatments, and more.



The Predictive Astrology Module: Your most accurate tool for astrological forecasting, pinpointing events down to the exact months, weeks, and days.

Example insights:


Potential conception between May 14th and June 27th

Dental treatments suggested for June 13th

A profitable period to buy property from June 10th to June 18th

Risk of lung inflammation between October 26th and November 11th


And more...

Predictive astrology program

Precision in Prediction; Power in Preparation

Predictive astrology reigns supreme in the world of astrological practice. An astrologer proficient in predictive methods and birth time rectification stands as the elite within the community, serving as the most sought-after consultant. This is because predictive techniques guide individuals in making informed decisions, avoiding dangers, improving health, nurturing successful offspring, preserving and growing wealth, and more.

Why is a natal chart interpretation without predictive methods somewhat limiting? For instance:

  • A chart might indicate a short lifespan, but that doesn’t mean one can’t live in a particular place; one just needs to determine and avoid the dangerous periods.
  • The chart might suggest a wealthy spouse, but if the meeting is foretold to be in 50 years, its relevance diminishes.
  • The chart may hint at conception issues, but not infertility. Predictive methods can highlight when conception will likely be successful or not.


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